Friday, April 8, 2011

CAVING by James and Jack.C

Im so excited.  Today were going caving!I didnt wake up early enough to have breakfast though.  Afterwards we got in cars and left.  After a bit we found the cave! We had to walk through some bush.  Then I saw a big black hole with a stream running through it.  We walked on a cliff type part.  We had to walk through some water and man was it cold.  There was some tree blockage and the branches were slippery and wobbly.  There was a big drop so Mr.T helped us.  Next some more blockage then a big slippery log.  Then nice grippy rocky flat place and lots and lots of glow worms.  After that we got out of the cave and had some food then left.
CAVING by James and Jack on PhotoPeach

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